
Shreveport Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Shreveport Criminal Defense Attorney

Attorneys That Can Be What You Need When You Need It

There is very little more stressful than getting charged with a crime. It can seem as if the whole system is working against you to destroy your life. This is where your right to an attorney can be a game-changer. Make the most of that right by hiring a Shreveport criminal defense lawyer from The Berg Law Firm, Shreveport’s premiere criminal defense team.

The Berg Law Firm is committed to providing custom-tailored representation for each client we represent. We aim to empower and educate our clients so they can make informed decisions about how to best approach their cases. We know that, just because you have been accused of a crime, it doesn’t mean you are guilty or have to be treated like a criminal. We are here to answer your questions virtually or in person in our Shreveport, Louisiana, office location.

At The Berg Law Firm, we work hard to provide you with the best results possible. We understand that every case requires a unique approach, and that’s what we provide. From misdemeanors to violent crimes, The Berg Law Firm has over 10 years of experience working with criminal cases. If you require expert legal representation, look below to view our areas of practice to learn how we can be an asset to you and your case. Contact us to schedule your free consultation.

Areas of Practice

Facing criminal charges can feel like a living nightmare. Serious criminal allegations can put one’s reputation, future, and even their freedom on the line–sometimes through no fault of their own. If you’re looking for a reliable lifeline in these turbulent legal waters, look no further than The Berg Law Firm.

The Berg Law Firm of Shreveport boasts a peerless team of seasoned attorneys and support staff who are ready to advocate for your rights and implement powerful legal strategies tailored to your individual goals and the unique circumstances of your case. At The Berg Law Firm, our level of service transcends mere legal representation: we stand ready to serve as steadfast allies in your fight for freedom and justice.

We are a highly respected and multi-faceted law practice with a track record of success in many different types of cases and lawsuits. Today, our firm focuses on representing Louisianans who need swift and cost-effective help dealing with criminal charges. The Berg Law Firm is ready to assist in the following areas:

  • Domestic Violence – Fighting your way through the justice system after being blindsided by domestic violence accusations can represent a harrowing legal maze, even under ideal circumstances. The dedicated criminal defense team at Berg Law is ready to provide detail-oriented, judgment-free legal representation to safeguard your rights, reputation, and dignity.
  • Drug Crimes – Despite its widespread failure as an effective public policy, authorities in Louisiana continue to put significant resources into the so-called “war on drugs.” In reality, this is all too often a war on citizens.

    It’s unfortunately all too possible for casual consumers, low-level drug dealers, and even innocent bystanders to get caught up in major drug charges, thanks to police and prosecutors’ overzealous quest to put together the biggest drug busts possible.

    At The Berg Law Firm, we believe that your freedom and your future are vitally important. Whatever the circumstance of your case, and regardless of what mistakes you’ve made in your past, we are here to fight for you and help steer your drug case to the ideal outcome.

  • DUI/DWI – Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a serious roadway safety issue in Louisiana and neighboring states, and penalties for driving while intoxicated on alcohol or other controlled substances can be severe.

    Large fines, license suspensions, and other forms of punishment are all potentially on the table for those convicted of driving under the influence, with secondary consequences like lost jobs and damaged relationships equally possible.

    At The Berg Law Firm, we understand the gravity of DUI penalties, and we know that your right to drive is crucial to your well-being. We can craft robust DWI defense strategies tailored to the unique circumstances of your arrest, leveraging our extensive knowledge of Louisiana traffic codes, constitutional law, and local court systems to mitigate the consequences of a DUI charge and protect your driving privileges.

  • Expungements – If you feel haunted by past mistakes lingering on your record, The Berg Law Firm may be able to help. Our team is well-versed in the many intricacies of expungement, sealing, dismissal, and other remedies for keeping embarrassing or damaging violations off of your public record.

    Personalized expungement guidance from The Berg Law Firm can help you wipe the slate clean and reclaim your reputation, paving the way to a brighter future–one where you’re free from the social and emotional shackles represented by your past convictions.

  • Misdemeanors – Some people mistakenly believe that it is not worth the investment to hire private legal defense counsel for a misdemeanor charge. The reality is that misdemeanor charges in Shreveport can result in substantial fines, jail time, and a criminal record, and they should be met with a vigorous defense strategy.

    If you have a nuanced or complex misdemeanor trial ahead of you, please consider contacting The Berg Law Firm for dedicated, client-focused defense strategies.

  • Robbery/Burglary/Theft – Charges related to burglary, robbery, and other property crimes are taken very seriously and call for an aggressive and strategic defense.

    The team at The Berg Law Firm is well-versed in these types of cases, and we have the skills and insight necessary to scrutinize every element of the prosecution’s case to identify weaknesses. Regardless of the details of your case, we can strive to secure the optimal outcome and mitigate the consequences on your future.

  • Probation Violations – At The Berg Law Firm, we know that probation can sometimes be a complex and precarious balancing act. If you are on probation and have been accused of breaking the terms of your sentence, our legal team can provide highly effective guidance for responding to this situation, as well as fierce advocacy in court if it should come to that.

    Don’t face a hostile system alone; rely on The Berg Law Firm’s comprehensive understanding of local probation laws and procedures.

  • Violent Crimes – Allegations of violent crimes carry profound consequences that can reverberate throughout every aspect of your life and even affect the people around you. Costly restitution, a permanent record, social ostracization, and ruined relationships are just the beginning, with long–sometimes even lifelong–prison sentences also a very real possibility in the most serious cases, such as those dealing with murder or an injurious assault committed with a deadly weapon.

    As staunch advocates for the accused, we understand the gravity of these charges and the necessity for a robust defense strategy. No matter how serious the charges against you may be, we can use every tool at our disposal to safeguard your rights and demand fair treatment in the eyes of the law.

  • White Collar Crimes – So-called “white collar” crimes like embezzlement and fraud also carry serious consequences within the state and federal criminal justice systems. Prosecutors and investigators often prioritize chasing these high-profile financial crime convictions, leading to cases that can be treacherous to navigate without guidance.

    Don’t become the victim of a shady CEO, illegal business model, or overzealous investigator. The criminal justice team at The Berg Law Firm has a thorough understanding of this delicate intersection of finance and crime, and we can evaluate your case from every angle until a viable defense strategy is identified.

Why Choose The Berg Law Firm?

  • Flexible payment plans for attorney fees – We understand the financial commitment in hiring an attorney can be overwhelming, but we also know having a strong defense is important. As a result, we’ve developed flexible payment plans for attorney fees to ease the financial burden.
  • Non-judgmental, professional environment – We cultivate a safe environment for you to express your most intimate concerns knowing that we’ve got your back. Our singular role in this process is to help you through the legal system and either minimize the consequences of a conviction or avoid one altogether.
  • Educational approach – Our model of providing legal services involves dispensing valuable guidance at every step of the criminal justice process, but we’re also committed to educating and empowering our clients to make good decisions for themselves. We use open communication, straightforward explanations of legal topics, and collaborative strategizing to accomplish this goal.
  • Easy To Understand Flat Fees – You will know what you are paying up front and what to expect from us. We have designed our fees and payment policies so that world-class legal help is accessible to everyday Louisianians when they need it most.
  • Open line of communication – We respond to all client requests promptly. Also, with flat fees, you don’t have to worry about additional charges when you have a question.
  • Well-Versed In A Variety Of Cases – Experienced in all types of criminal cases ranging from non-violent offenses to serious and violent crimes.

Call Us Today If You Need Legal Assistance.

Dealing with criminal charges can be overwhelming, painful, and confusing, but you don’t need to walk this difficult path alone. Regardless of what you’re facing, the Berg Law Firm of Shreveport is ready to provide compassionate and powerful criminal defense services that level the legal playing field and forge a path to a better tomorrow. Contact us today for help.


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